European Union International Technical Assistance Project
«Enhancement of educational and scientific role of DonNUET
as an internally displaced higher education institution in
Donetsk region community»

About the project

European Union International Technical Assistance Project «Enhancement of educational and scientific role of DonNUET as an internally displaced higher education institution in Donetsk region community»

Donor of the project: European Union

Delegation of the Donor institution to Ukraine: Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine

The Implementer of the project/Grantholder: Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky


16, Tramvaina Street,

Kryvyi Rih, 50005 Ukraine

Total budget of the project: EUR 852,632, including:

  • EU grant: EUR 810,000
  • DonNUET contribution (co-financing): EUR 42,632

The implementation period of the project: 3 years (24.12.2019 – 24.12.2022)

The project is implemented within the framework of the European Union International Technical Assistance Program – Programming of the European Neighbourhood Instrument 2017 – Special Measures “EU Support to the East of Ukraine”

Specific objectives:

– upgrade curricula and apply knowledge for social and economic development; – improve DonNUET management system for effectivization of educational process and scientific activity of DonNUET

– renovate Mariupol College of DonNUET and Sviatohirsk facility of DonNUET in Sviatohirsk and upgrade facilities to implement innovative practices and provide new services for students, staff and local community

– strengthen the role of student self-government aimed at students involvement into community life

– develop (launch) new programmes and projects to facilitate local social-economic development

Target groups: students and staff of DonNUET, community of Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk regions (Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Sviatohirsk, Kryvyi Rih): students, pupils, staff, businesses, employers, local | self-government bodies

Estimated results:

increasing the capacity of the University to provide better educational services, strengthened the role of student self- governmen


ПРЕСКОНФЕРЕНЦІЯ Модернізація Маріупольського коледжу ДонНУЕТ

Пресанонс 27 липня 2021 року об 11:00 відбудеться пресконференція представників Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі…

Media about the action

Team of the action

Tetiana Kozhukhova,
Project Manager
Overall coordination and management of the action, project results monitoring and evaluating, project reporting
Shendryhorenko Maryna,
Finance Manager
Overall financial management and oversight
Yurii Yakovenko,
Responsible for public relations, publication of the results and experience of the project on the web-sites, presentation of the results in the mass media at the local, regional and national levels of Ukraine
Radion Nykyforov,
Procurement Manager
Responsible for сonducting tenders for project documentation preparation, purchase of equipment, office furniture.
Yuliia Bocharova,
Thematic coordinator (Improving DonNUET management system)
Overall coordination of improving DonNUET management system. Data collection for monitoring
Priymak Natalia,
Thematic coordinator (Strengthening the role of student self- government)
Overall coordination of strengthening the role of student self- government, annual work of the summer English-speaking camp, holding annual student trainings, events on the basis of the CECD, foundation and support of DonNUET graduates association. Data collection for monitoring.
Hanna Horina,
Thematic coordinator (Development of new programs and projects)
Overall coordination and management of development of new programmes and projects, development and implementation of information and consulting services. Data collection for monitoring
Kateryna Khavrova,
Head of training groups
Responsible for development and implementation of training programs (entrepreneurship, energy conservation, development of innovative hospitality strategies, implementation of the HACCP system in children's canteens of recreational centers for cooks and supporting staff of children's health facilities of Donetsk region) Data collection for monitoring.